因为我们社区目前的呼吸道病毒水平, we are experiencing longer than normal wait times in our Emergency Department and 紧急护理 clinics. 检查等待时间. 我们强烈建议在医院和诊所佩戴口罩. 请参阅我们的病人访客政策.

生活方式药 & 健身



生活方式医学是一种基于证据的预防方法, 治疗 and even reversing disease by replacing unhealthy behaviors with positive ones—such as eating healthy, 积极锻炼身体, 管理压力, 避免滥用危险药物, 充足的睡眠和强大的支持系统.

lifestyle-medicine-services-header2.jpg博彩平台大全的生活方式医学 provides the tools needed to navigate changes in routine and identify ways in which we can improve health. 现在是时候寻求一些技巧来改变健康的行为了. 健康的生活方式选择 增强免疫系统. 在三个地点提供远程保健和面对面服务(伦顿), Maple Valley和Covington)包括职业和物理治疗, 营养和糖尿病咨询, 规定的锻炼计划, 虚拟小组课程和虚拟井辅导和按摩. 

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Physical therapists usually begin with a conversation about health factors you can change, 比如睡眠, 压力, 饮食和锻炼. A consult includes a Health Risk Assessment and a more in-depth screening about your personal health risk factors, 包括伤病史和你的动作检查. 我们的 ultimate goal is to give our patients the support they need to begin making healthier lifestyle choices, 并提供随时间推移维护变更的工具. 

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医学营养疗法是解决健康饮食的循证方法, 压力, 睡眠质量, 活动, 人际关系以及它们如何影响与食物有关的行为. 通过与注册营养师合作, you can tailor a practical plan that works within your lifestyle given today’s challenges.  

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O我们的锻炼项目有虚拟授课和真人授课两种形式. 生活365会员将收到最新的个性化计划. 普通会员可以进行日常锻炼, virtual group classes entertaining challenges offering practical ways to continue working toward your health goals without the need of facility access. 除了, we offer telehealth style sessions with your 锻炼 Specialist who will help you design a 首页。-based program using items you probably already have.


参加一个免费的 会话!

Join us 为 60-minutes of in为mation you can use to improve your health and be thoughtful, 积极的医疗保健消费者. You’ll also receive an overview of our 生活方式药 programs including Healthy Foundations, 365年的生活方式, 物理治疗和营养咨询, 以及针对糖尿病前期和糖尿病患者的专门计划.

生活方式医学是一种基于证据的预防方法, 治疗, and even reversing disease by replacing unhealthy behaviors with positive ones—such as eating healthfully, 积极锻炼身体, 管理压力, 避免滥用危险药物, 充足的睡眠和强大的支持系统.


  • 让你的身体通过促进健康的生活方式来保护和治愈自己
  • 教育、指导和支持积极的行为改变
  • Focuses on evidence-based optimal nutrition, 压力 management, sleep and physical 活动
  • 鼓励你积极参与
  • 治疗与生活方式相关的潜在疾病
  • Collaborative approach to help you follow medication plans and communicate changes in your overall health to your care team
  • 你的家庭和社区环境被考虑在内

If you experience technical difficulties during one of our virtual Zoom meetings, please call 425.690.3520求助.


免责声明:由于COVID-19, 健康基础项目目前还没有开设面对面的课程, 但该计划的1:1服务仍然可用! 在我们的健康护理课程中了解更多信息

Evidence shows the best option 为 improving your current health and reducing your risk of future illness is a structured program of physical 活动 and nutrition change. 我们的 customized Healthy Foundations program meets you where you are on your path to wellness and takes the guesswork out of improving your fitness and what you eat. 在包括注册营养师在内的专业医疗保健提供者的帮助下, 注册营养学家, 物理治疗师和运动专家, 品尼高医疗保健和博彩平台大全联手提供了一个密集的, 16周生活方式改变计划帮助你变得强壮, 健康和建立积极的生活习惯.


  • 1:1营养咨询
  • 膳食计划 
  • 物理治疗评估、咨询和治疗
  • 具有生物测量和SMART目标设定的规定性运动计划
  • 4个月的健身中心会员资格
  • 杂货店之旅和餐厅实地考察
  • 团体支援及教育系列

Healthy Foundations is a 16-week lifestyle modification program that addresses Food 教育,  生活方式的修改 & 目标设定,运动医学,饮食心理学. 

价格根据你的保险福利/计划范围而有所不同. 我们还提供金融保险,保险补贴和付款计划. Participants’ fee will be a minimum of $500 and can total up to $1500, which can be made in payments. 50%的费用应在开始日期前支付, with the remaining amount deducted with arrangements with the Healthy Foundations Coordinator. 除了, 你将负责任何共同支付, 共同保险, 还有保险免赔额, 除了任何自付费用,根据你的保险福利. 

一个由营养师组成的团队, 物理治疗师, 和运动专家将在你的旅程中帮助你. 我们的营养师将通过营养疗法指导您, 不仅要找出哪种工具最适合你的体型或身体状况, 但它们也会为你提供工具和资源,帮助你为成功做好准备. 我们的理疗师将帮助您识别身体的不平衡. 当你增加运动量时,你就避免了受伤, 对你的身体力学有一个全面的了解. 最后,我们的运动专家是运动方面的专家. 他们会为你制定锻炼计划,并根据你的进步进行调整. 


我们相信运动是良药, 就像你会让你的医生给你开药一样, 让我们的运动专家给你开出正确的运动类型. 在正确的剂量和频率下,运动可以对身体产生巨大的影响. 365年的生活方式 has been created to provide its members with programming that takes the guesswork out of fitness. 你再也不会去健身房不知道从哪里开始. 时间是宝贵的,我们确保我们的会员收到一个高质量的深思熟虑的计划, 根据你的目标实现巨大的健身效果.  

会员可以通过MyWellness云获得ES的全部访问权限, 每月进行生物特征评估和进度评估. 除了运动处方, 365年的生活方式 members will receive access to our monthly nutrition workshop in which members can ask questions about diet and nutrition and receive advice from our Registered Dietician at no additional fee.

365年的生活方式©包括泰诺健®SmartKey, 哪一种方法能让你的健身计划达到推荐的持续时间和速度, 还有力量训练的量和强度. Your assigned 锻炼 Specialist will provide you with extensive training on the SmartKey and the Technogym® equipment included in your workout. 

365年的生活方式© begins with screening and assessment which involve baseline measurements of: Height & 重量, 身体成分, 血压, 7点周长测量, 有氧能力,力量和柔韧性. SMART目标也会被评估, 确保你不断地朝着目标前进并达到目标.

在博彩平台大全生活医疗中心的前台报名 & 健身中心, located on the first floor of the Talbot Professional Center (4011 Talbot Road South 伦顿,华盛顿州98055),并告诉健康协调员你想注册365年的生活方式©! 

点击这里 了解更多关于我们的生活方式365计划.

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糖尿病是一种常见、慢性、可控的疾病! 生活方式药 has created a program to implement healthy lifestyle changes to help you successfully manage your diabetes.

A Registered Dietitian can help you understand your condition and how the food you choose might affect it. +, a registered dietitian nutritionist works with you to create an eating plan that has the nutrients needed to manage your condition. 

点击这里 了解更多信息.

Physical therapists (PTs) are medical professionals dedicated to helping people reach their health, 通过体育运动实现健康和健身目标. A physical therapist’s work often starts by introducing safe movement and 锻炼 programs that focus on reducing pain and improving muscle strength, 关节活动范围, 整体耐力. PTs also help people gain skills to improve overall health to prevent or reduce future healthcare costs. 治疗师与病人一对一地工作,是病人医疗团队的一部分. 有时他们会与患者的医疗保健提供者合作, 特别是在重新获得因疾病或残疾而丧失的技能时.



博彩平台大全的生活方式医学 & 健身中心 is a medically based fitness facility applying evidence based practices to reduce risk factors and improve wellness. 我们的会员受益于最先进的技术, 高技能和受过良好教育的员工提供真正的成果. 我们的课程旨在让您保持参与、积极和负责.

拥有一支拥有学位和认证的健身专业团队, 我们为您的目标提供综合方案, 包括功能运动屏幕, SMART目标设定和生物识别筛选. 

我们的医疗专业人员网络, 比如理疗师和营养师, work to ensure that your 锻炼 prescription ties in seamlessly with the care directed by your healthcare professional.



We are proud to offer state-of-the-art technology: Your program is delivered through the TechnoGym Mywellness 系统. 

我们位于Renton, Covington和Maple Valley的三个健身设施使用 Technogym equipment a market leader in the fitness and biomedical rehabilitation equipment industry. We have a full spectrum of equipment including cardio and strength equipment and the Kinesis® 系统. 每个365年的生活方式级别的会员都会收到一个“智能钥匙”,可以跟踪你的锻炼情况, 卡路里, 和考勤. 这把钥匙可以指导你的整个锻炼,由你的健康教练规定. 我们的TechnoGym健康系统允许您从任何计算机访问您的帐户, 智能手机或平板电脑. Other fitness tracking devices can be integrated with our wellness 系统 to house all of your health and fitness in为mation in one place.



Trans为m Your Health with 生活方式药: Making Positive Changes 为 a Healthier You

生活方式医学赋予你预防疾病的能力, 治疗, 甚至通过积极的生活方式改变来逆转疾病. Your journey towards optimal health involves more than just 治疗ment—it's about trans为ming your daily habits. 了解更多关于我们如何帮助你滋养你的身体, 有效管理压力, 建立一个支持性的环境,促进你的幸福. 


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